Niceland Seafood is the first turn-key provider of fresh Icelandic fish to offer full traceability from “sea-to-pan.”
Transparency in the fishing and seafood industries is all too often a murky business. Unfortunately, you do not always get what you pay for. “Sea-to-pan” traceability is our response to this dilemma. Every Niceland Seafood package arrives with a unique QR (Quick Response) code that once scanned, visualizes the individual journey of all of our products from the fishing grounds (or fish farm) to the store. Our flexible TraceabiliT™ system allows retailers to easily purchase and track their orders in real-time, all conveniently from their smartphone.
We want to combine premium seafood with a high-end customer experience. Niceland Seafood was established on the same values that built Iceland: sustainability and innovation. Top quality content reinforces the links between product, community, and the consumer at every step along the way.
Furthermore, Niceland Seafood constitutes a complete overhaul of the technologies underpinning seafood brokerage and traceability processes. It took us a lot of work, but we have created a simpler, faster, transparent, and more reliable chain that stretches from “sea-to-pan.”
Our Sourcing Standards
- The wild fish we source comes from expertly-managed, healthy fisheries that are always certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council.
- The farm-raised fish we source are certified sustainable by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council, and ranked as a green (best choice) or yellow (good choice) by the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch.
- The farm-raised arctic char and salmon we source are not treated with antibiotics.
- We work hard to source from farms that are responsibly managed, with continual third-party assessment reporting that quantify the farm’s impact on surrounding ecosystems, wild fish populations and energy use.
- We believe that sustainable management of wild fisheries relies heavily on the mitigation of overfishing and constant population/stock assessments.
- We believe mitigating bycatch (and utilizing any non target species that are caught) is also key to sustainable management. In Iceland, fishing boats cannot throw bycatch back into the sea – everything that’s landed must be used.
Despite being a small and remote country in the middle of the North Atlantic, Iceland is leading the world in sustainable fisheries. Government mandated data collection systems and the implementation of cutting-edge fish processing technologies minimize time and waste. Fisheries management in Icelandic waters is transparent, and factors catch limitations through individual transferable quotas (ITQs). Iceland’s Marine and Freshwater Research Institute uses a research-based management approach, which has allowed the Icelandic fishing industry to become a global leader in sustainability. Traceability, sustainability, and innovation are values Niceland Seafood shares with millennial consumers, enterprising retailers, and distributors.
Niceland Seafood provides full traceability instantly online, from the moment the fish is caught to the time it reaches the retailer.
Niceland Seafood integrates data from sustainable Icelandic fisheries, producers, and shipping partners with our proprietary TraceabiliT™ app. Just scan the QR code included with every shipment of fish and follow the detailed journey of the product. We believe our powerful TracabiliT™ tool will shift the way fish is responsibly caught and consumed.
Currently, the information we are able to gather for each shipment is the vessel ID, the landing date and location, species data, production details, and shipment tracking such as AWB numbers for flights.